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Resources - Pandemic Edition

We know that these are strange and difFICult times, and that it can be hard to know what to think about and how to sort through the constant barrage of information. It's also a time of great change, that allows us to consider where we'd like to go next. With this in mind, we thought we'd put together a list of all the wonderful resources that are FLOating around the internet. There is no right way to cope with a pandemic, and so we've tried to FInd things that can help everyone - whether you want to be creative, learn new things, think about how we can be better going forward, or simply forget it all and look at some cats. Whether you want to help others right now or want to know where you can get help, we hope there is something useful for you here!

Read through the whole list, or click here to fInd what you're looking for! 

For if you want to keep making...

this wonderful piece of writing by sleepwalk collective about how to navigate the creative process while working remotely

To Keep Making

Tobeabetterartist on instagram - resources for how to stay proactive as an artist even when you aren't feeling creative

Linda BloomfIeld's opportunity tuesdays - weekly twitter threads of arts opportunities and ways to help and be helped

Inspired by Change - this online festival created by Dollybox Theatre to raise money for the Trussel Trust is looking for submissions of pre-recorded work or proposals for live online work by June 14th

This master list of digital theatre opportunities - compiled by Olivia munk - is such a good resource for artists looking for opportunities during this time!

For if you want to keep learning...

If you need some help focusing, check out this wonderful explanation of the pomodoro method, complete with a super cute spreadsheet template

To Keep Learning

if you're trying to work but the house is just too quiet or you're used to working with lots of background noise, try mynoise for customisable background noise or ASMR Rooms on youtube for fantasy inspired soundscapes!

if you'd like to learn some sign language, check out this £3/pay what you can course

Learn about queer/disabled people from throughout history and the current day with Jessica Kellgren-Fozard

let Rowan Ellis teach you about queer representation in cinema!

If watching digital theatre works for you, check out this list of the best things to watch online

For if you want to keep moving...

Check out the dancinginisolation instagram for all your dance inspiration needs

To Keep Moving

If yoga is your thing, check out  Georgia polly taylor's live yoga classes on wednesday's

A range of dance classes can be found on the Italia Conti youtube channel!

If you want to see what online classes we've been enjoying, check out this twitter thread!

For if you need some help...

Industry Minds offer mental health support to those in the theatre industry

To Get Help

check out this amazing twitter thread by The Growth House of organisations offering mental health support in the UK!

You can fInd a list of charities currently offering support here 

Jozara are a great company offering Financial advice  and BLogs  on what financial support is available to those in the theatre industry right now - 

Theatre Deli are offering free consulatancy to artists and companies during the lockdown!

Check out artsadmin's e-digest for opportunities, funding sources and advice

For if you want to think about  how life and theatre can be in the future...

Watch Leena Norm's 'Positive Panic' series' to think about how to make things better without just feeling more terrifIed

To Think About The Future

read this blog by ThisEgg about 'making and unmaking'

Read this blog by TourettesHero about how we can use lockdown as an opportunity to learn how to improve access

Read equity's 'agenda for change' report, and consider how we can make the arts a safer space when this is all over

Read this blog by Linda BloomfIeld on the value of theatre

Read this open letter to theatre and performance makers

Read Unlimited's report on Demystifying Access

Read this blog on the future of Casting for non-binary actors.

If Youre at home with kids...

Stay entertained and educated with Whatever It May Be Theatre Company's educational videos!

For Kids

Check out Peut-Être Theatre's Audiomoves Podcast - a podcast for little ones to move and dance to 

Check out The Corn Exchange's Little Sunday Stories for stories and arts and crafts resources!

For if you just want to forget about things for a while...

look at some cute pets on instagram! Check out Billie's cat Lucius, Zoë's rabbit Sadie or take a look at some of our other favourite pet accounts - this adorable hedgehog, this ridiculous cat and this account of unlikely animal friendships!

For Distraction

if you like some illustration-based animal-related humour, check out soFIytaxidermy or sadanimalfacts on instagram

If you're interested in tarot, you can FIND instagram live readings at mxrubywednesday

If you want books but don't want to support amazon, here is a thread of local book shops which are offering delivery right now!

Please let us know of anything we should add to the list and share it with anyone who you think would FInd it useful! We hope it's been helpful, whatever it is you need right now!  this will be the FIRST OF Many lists, and if you'd like to make sure you don't miss any, you can sign up to our mailing list here!

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